Monday, August 27, 2012

Potty training, day 143

We haven't been doing potty training for 143 days.  It only feels like it.

Today marks two weeks, I guess.  And I will venture to say we're like 99% there.  She still sleeps in a diaper at night.  I tried to let her take a nap without a diaper today but she kept using the excuse that she had to potty to stall taking a nap, so I put a diaper on her for her nap today.

Today was also the first day that I took her out in public without a diaper.  I just stuffed the diaper bag with a few extra sets of clothes and panties and put the little potty in the back of the van, and we went to the park twice and to a library story time with no accidents!  I was very impressed.  Of course, a lot of times it was me saying, "Let's go pee pee now" and not her prompting me.   That's okay, though.  And she had an accident when we got home for who knows what reason.  But I have been very impressed with her.  I'm hoping she'll just get better and better at it and that eventually we can go to no diapers at all.  I have a feeling that nights without diapers may be the hardest hurdle.

I'm sure you were wondering, so there it is.  :-)

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